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HomeNewsRed Corner Notice is issued by Interpol against pro-Khalistani leader Karanvir Singh

Red Corner Notice is issued by Interpol against pro-Khalistani leader Karanvir Singh

A member of the outlawed terrorist organization Babbar Khalsa International, Karanvir Singh is the subject of a Red Corner Notice from Interpol.

According to the news agency ANI, Karanvir Singh, a member of the outlawed terrorist organization Babbar Khalsa International, has received a Red Corner Notice from Interpol.

Interpol updated its website and published a Red Corner Notice for the Khalistani leader, according to the ANI report. Singh, a member of the terrorist organization Babbar Khalsa International that supports Khalistan, is reportedly hiding out in Pakistan.

The Kapurthala district of Punjab is where Karanvir Singh, 38, is from, according to the Interpol portal. Singh is also wanted by India, according to Interpol, for criminal conspiracy, murder, offenses under the Arms Act and Explosive Substances Act, conspiring to fund terrorism, and membership in a terrorist group or organization.

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A Red Corner Notice is what?

A Red Corner Notice asks member nations of Interpol’s law enforcement agencies to track down and detain a person until extradition, surrender, or a comparable legal procedure can be completed.

A Red Notice was previously sent by Interpol to all member nations regarding the gangster Himanshu alias Bhau, who is thought to be residing abroad. A spokesman for the Haryana Police added, in more detail, that Rohtak Police was successful in having a Red Corner Notice issued against a wanted suspect who is thought to have gone abroad.

In the aftermath of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s assertion that India had a hand in the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Red Corner Notice was issued against the wanted pro-Khalistani leader. This diplomatic dispute has strained relations between New Delhi and Ottawa. India, on the other hand, denied the accusations, labeling them as “absurd” and “motivated.” Nijjar, an Indian terrorist with a death sentence, was shot and killed on June 18 in front of a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia.