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HomeNewsBisleri & Karnataka Forest Dept. Unite for Massive Forest Cleanup in Maldare

Bisleri & Karnataka Forest Dept. Unite for Massive Forest Cleanup in Maldare

Karnataka, Maldare: A major collaborative effort between Bisleri International and the Karnataka Forest Department resulted in a transformative clean-up initiative in the Maldare forest of Kodagu District. The drive, covering a significant 10-kilometer stretch from Maldare to the Muttur wildlife forest area, successfully removed a staggering 810 kg of plastic and other non-biodegradable waste, highlighting the urgent need for environmental action.

Beyond the immediate impact of waste removal, the initiative focused on fostering long-term sustainability. Educational signage was installed throughout the forest, raising awareness about responsible waste disposal practices and the detrimental effects of single-use plastics on the delicate ecosystem. A dedicated plastic collection bank was also introduced, providing a convenient and visible way for visitors and locals alike to contribute to recycling efforts and minimize littering.

The partnership extended further to engage local communities in environmental stewardship. By collaborating with Samprabhav Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Abyathmangala, Kodagu, the initiative was able to educate and empower residents on effective waste segregation and recycling techniques. This community-centric approach ensured that the benefits of the clean-up drive would extend far beyond the immediate event.

Both Chinnavishera, DRFO of the Tiger Reserve Forest, and K Ganesh, Director of Sustainability & Corporate Affairs at Bisleri International, emphasized the significance of this collaboration as a model for environmental sustainability. Their shared commitment to creating a greener future for Karnataka is evident in the comprehensive nature of the initiative, which addressed not only the immediate issue of waste but also the underlying need for education and community engagement.

This initiative serves as a testament to the power of partnership and the positive impact that can be achieved when organizations and communities come together to address environmental challenges. The Maldare forest clean-up stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that through collective action, it is possible to preserve and restore the natural beauty of Karnataka for generations to come.